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  • How much does it cost?
    Scouting registration is $66 per scout, per year, which covers January to December. If the scout joins mid-year, this price will be pro-rated. If you are new to scouting there is a one-time registration fee of $25. There is finacial assitance available, and even if you don't qualify for financial assistance, there are ways to help raise funds to help cover dues.
  • How much time does scouting require?
    The basic answer is, how ever much time you would like to dedicate to it, and what you want out of it. Den meetings are weekly or every other week, depending on the Den, and then there is a Pack Meeting on the third Sunday of every month. Throughout the year there will be other events, such as: Spring/Fall family camp-outs Summer Camp for older scouts STEM Camps Leadership retreats Trips to museums and parks And other events hosted by the local pack, district, or council You can attend as few or as many as you would like.
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